thelonelydoctor (deleted)
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``First of all.. everything is possible in life, you can do and get everything you want as long as you put your heart into it.
Now the question that you have to ask is, Do you have the courage to go out and look what you want in a relationship? Do you have the courage to express yourself with the people you want to be with? ...
or... Are you afraid of the rejection? Everybody has the potential of looking and asking out, what they dont have is the courage to take the rejection. But you gotta see it this way, If you don't ask, nothing is going to happen and everything is going to be an idea not executed, Or bummer you got rejected. But there is a slight difference, with the first one there is not and there will never be a chance, because its only an idea so its a lose/lose situation, on the other hand with the second one there is either a win/win or a win/lose. Yes it's not a typo, because if it happens its a win/win and if it doesn't happend then its a win for you , and a lose for the other person cause they don't know what they are going to miss out on...
What you need is the confidence, the smile and the beauty you have, but nobody wants to be with someone that has no confidence. Oh and get to know the person and make sure it's somebody worth it, somebody willing and somebody that is looking for love, not somebody that wants to be with someone cause they are lonely.
You can do it, I believe in you and you have all the power in you
Hope this helps you, and that I was not to cryptic (I usually am, but its more fun that way )
The Doctor